Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Exercise is Important for Adults with Dementia

While research shows that it is important for aging adults to remain active both physically and mentally, it may be even more critical for people suffering from memory loss or dementia.  There have been many studies that seem to indicate that adults who engage in mentally stimulating activities such as reading, playing games and attending plays and lectures may help to reduce their risk of developing Alzheimer’s and age-related cognitive decline.  Furthermore, the National Institute on Aging states that, “Epidemiological studies and some intervention studies suggest that physical exercise may also play a role in reducing risk for Alzheimer’s disease and age-related cognitive decline.” 

Researchers have discovered that exercise in older rats and mice helps to increase the number of small blood vessels that supply blood to the brain and the connections between nerve cells.  It has also been shown to raise the level of a nerve growth factor, which is a protein key to brain health, and important for memory and learning.  If fact, one year-long study of adults 65 years or older showed that exercise can “stimulate the human brain’s ability to maintain old network connections and make new ones that are vital to healthy cognition.”  The group who took part in an aerobic daily walking program, as opposed to nonaerobic toning and stretching, had an improved connectivity in the area of the brain that helps us recall the past.  They also had an improvement in planning and organizational skills.    

Scientists are not sure how mental stimulation and social interaction help to decrease the risk of Alzheimer’s but offer several theories.  They think that these activities may help protect the brain “by establishing ‘cognitive reserve,’ the brain’s ability to operate effectively even when it is damaged or some brain function is disrupted.”  They explain that these activities could help to keep the brain adaptable and may even be able to compensate for declines in other functions. 

As one of the most respected agencies for home care in Central Texas, SYNERGYHomeCare offers families affordable and compassionate services for all ages, from expectant mothers to seniors.  We work with you to create a customized CarePlan for in home care for yourself or a loved one.  Please contact us to learn more about our range of services for professional in home care.


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